Monday, January 4, 2010

Wing(wo)man Success Stories

Lauren's Match.Mom success story has inspired me to share another success story: this time in terms of wingman matchmaking.

Awhile back, I whined about not having a large enough roster of wingmen to go out with me. Well, now that I'm back IAR, the picking up guys aspect isn't necessary, but meeting new girls to go out with is still important. Who doesn't like friends?

So after my plea for help, I got a response! My new blog obsession Do You Fancy Us had taken note! Elle, who lives in New York, suggested we meet up for brunch. Unlimited Mimosa brunch. From the first second I laid eyes on her Vineyard Vines jacket and headband, I knew we would be friends. I love her. Then, Em, who lives in D.C., came to visit Elle, and, over another unlimited mimosa brunch (did I mention we're the same?), I became obsessed with her too.

Yes, I made friends on zee Internet. While that still seems to have a mildly weird, 1994 chat room "a/s/l" stigma, it actually was a brilliant idea. Not only did I gain two new friends out of it, I realized that real bloggers are always making other blogger friends. Hence making blog friends is a key step to becoming a legit blogger. I mean, I'm (over)sharing my life online, so there's really no reason why I shouldn't be building relationships online too. So there you have it - a wingman success story. On the Internet. And in real life.

Another wingman success story I've recently witnessed involves my dear friend, the victim of the Chicken Drop. While the Chicken Dropper officially sucks, he did have one last redeeming purpose: wingman intro. Her new wingman lives in her neighborhood (UES, important geographic proximity can be muy helpful, esp. when you live uptown) and is cute and fun.

So congrats to the happy couple! May you both find yourselves in hilarious dating situations to provide me with blog fodder!


  1. And I am so so so glad we did :)

    PS - I think Diablo Royale would love us to come back for brunch sometime soon.... just saying...
