Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guy Hot vs. Girl Hot: Basset Hounds & Maggie Gyllenhaal

While hanging out with a few guy friends last night, I learned a funny new expression to describe a girl. And by funny, I mean mildly offensive. Although, clearly there are far worse things you could say about a female's appearance.

In reference to a friend's new girlfriend, one guy explained she was cute, "but in basset hound and/or Maggie Gyllenhaal" sort of way.

"What's that?" I asked.

He explained it to me: "You know, she's cute, but in a funny-looking kind of way. Like you almost feel bad for her type of thing. Like a basset hound. Or Maggie Gyllenhaal."

Bwahahaha. Guys are such dicks. Joking. Clearly I've said far worse about them.

This guy's insight, though, helps add another concrete example about the difference between Guy Hot and Girl Hot. I think Maggie is a pretty lady! Yes, she might not be in the Marisa Miller-bombshell sort of way, but she's attractive. She is not a dog...

Although, I do loooove basset hounds. My mom even gave me a basset hound ornament for Christmas. But it's true, I do like them because I think they're hilarious-looking! Especially in costumes. I really need a skeptical-looking dog to come home to.

"Raaaaaaaachel. I'm huuuuuuuuuuungry."

1 comment:

  1. ummm...Rach? Remember that time your friend at that Westlake party told me I reminded him of Maggie Gyllenhaal? What does that mean????
