Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Serena, Take Note

Okay, I understand that GG is just a show. Sort of. Except for when I see Chuck Bass in person. Speaking of which, it's been awhile, Ed, I think we're due for another run-in soon.

Anyway, reading about the recent death of Casey Johnson, heiress to Johnson & Johnson, worries me about our fictitious little UESider Serena Serena van der Woodsen.

Gawker helps point out Casey's similarities with Serena:
  • Raised from fabulous wealth in NYC
  • Received her first Chanel purse at a young age
  • Graduated from a tony Manhattan private school
And, the most eerie comparison:
  • Enrolled at Brown — only to drop out freshman year to intern for a queen bee publicist
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Serena, I refuse to let you end up with this same Grey Gardens fate. She's already headed down a similar path of destruction!  Writers, please intervene!

Yes I realize I'm worried about a TV character, but the show isn't returning until March 8, and my life is dull without it.

Also, just reading about Casey makes me sad. And glad that's not my life.

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