A friend just made reference to a guy friend of hers, and before she could even start her story, I interrupted to clarify:
"Have you made out with him, or is he gay?"
Because those are the only options. Very, very rarely is it "Neither, he's just a platonic, straight friend with whom I've never kissed" because we live in a society where the obligatory, (usually involving alcohol) "Let's just test out whether or not we should be more than friends right now" makeout occurs on a regular basis.
And then, after getting past the awkward sexual tension plaguing almost all male-female friendships, you are more adequately equipped to determine your situation, which is great. Unless one of you is a giant girl about it and develops an unbecoming case of unrequited love. Ugh. But, that probably would have happened anyway, eventually.
It just makes sense, I think, to get it out of the way. But it could also maybe be a reason why my guy friend roster was lacking while I was single...
Rachel - there is a 3rd option, the "I have hooked up with ALL/ too many of his friends that I cannot possibly bring myself to hook up with him as well" and by default he is a platonic friend...not like i would know by experience or anything...