Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Work of a Genius

For some reason this week is dragging on for-ev-er (even though I had Monday off!) so if you feel the same way and need a hi-larious time-wasting activity, I would highly recommend watching the first four clips from Conan O'Brien's show last night brought to you by Gawker TV. I have always adored Conan, and I generally like people who stick it to The Man, especially in genius ways.

Not only does he bring back The Masturbating Bear and creates the most expensive character ever with NBC's $$$, Adam Sandler joins and admits that he and Chris Farley were actually fired from SNL (wtf!?). Ed Helms (the Nard Dog!) also performs his song from The Hangover. It's all a-mazing.

I wish I were friends with CoCo. Move back to NYC, Conan, and Ashley and I can stalk you in the UES!

Enjoy. And remember, today is only Thursday, even though it really feels like Friday. FML.

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