It has come to my attention that more and more people (besides just a few friends and family members) are reading this, which rules. But it's also kind of weird. Like if you don't know me, then this blog is all you have to judge me on. So I better make it good, right? While certain people (I am related to) might think I'm wonderful and intelligent, you could have a variety of impressions of me. Like that I'm ridiculously good looking. Or that I'm the anti-Christ. I just don't know. Anyway, I wanted to take a minute to hopefully better explain my point of view and purpose for this blog:
First, let me state that I am - for the most part - full of crap, and I'm clearly biased toward my perspective, but aren't we all? However, if actual hookers can provide dating and relationship advice, then why can’t I? While I might occasionally act as a "revisionist historian,” I try to honestly share my own thoughts and feelings while attempting to be funny. I promise I do not take myself very seriously, and neither should you.
To boil it down, I hope you can either:
A) Relate to what I'm saying or live vicariously through my living-the-dream-in-the-big-city-while-hovering-embarrassingly-close-to-the-poverty-line stories
B) Get an inside perspective of a female 20-something's thoughts on relationships and life without having to awkwardly pick up an issue of a chick magazine
C) Bring a small amount of pleasure to your own life as you laugh at/judge what cRaZy gIrL thang I’m offering up as "insight"
Basically, I hope everyone reading can find some humor and candor about what I'm saying, and if you like it, great. If you hate it, then there are approximately 1,000,000,000,000,000 other websites you can spend your time perusing, and *gasp* some might have naked girls on them, so they might be more entertaining than this...
Okay, that is all. I'm wiped out from a weekend of solid moving/painting/unpacking/acting fiscally irresponsible (just kidding, Dad) so must turn off brain now.
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