Monday, January 25, 2010

Guest Post: Women Are Addictive - Liquor Edition

[Editor's note: On Friday I ran my friend Jim's first guest post. Today is Monday, and since nothing has struck my blogger fancy slash I've had "more important" things to do today, I offer you his second category of addictive women. Salud.]


Liquor is the girlfriend you wish you could work it out with. She's hotter than beer. More fun even. Wilder. More expensive. Hell, you even look cooler when you're with her. However, she has another side to her. A crazy side. Not only does she have a temper but things escalate much faster when she's involved. One minute you'll be hanging out at dinner, and she's there, laying low, and then next thing you know, you're being escorted out of a Chuck E. Cheese. Liquor can be funny like that, she can get you arrested. Whoever said good things come in small packages has obviously never had a night cheap tequila shots. Waking up after a night of heavy liquor boozing is like waking up next to your ex, it sucks. Liquor, I love you, but where the hell are my keys, belt and self-respect?

P dot S: I love Rachel McAdams. And Regina George is so liquor. Nice work, Jim.

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