Friday, January 22, 2010

A Guide to Spite: How to Get Back at Your Ex If You Have $$$ (and are cRaZy)

Perhaps if you don't spend your day perusing Gawker (good for you) then you haven't heard about this crazy story. A few billboards have recently popped up around Manhattan (and apparently in Atlanta and San Fran too), featuring a normal-looking couple with a link to a website, which features their personal vacation photos, mementos, etc. Pretty weird, in any case.

But, Gawker (specifically their Silicon Valley gossip site ValleyWag) being the great online investigative journalists that they are, have identified the guy in the photos as Oracle co-President Charles Phillips. And the woman? Not his wife. His former mistress of 8 years!

Apparently she used money he gave her to put up these billboards, "as a gift."


Now, I'm totally narcissistic enough to want a billboard of my own. But to have one just to scorn a former lover? I don't know if I'd take it that far.

But if you decide you want to get back at a man who happened to gift you hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps you should take a lesson from YaVaughnie.

You'll at least get talked (blogged) about...

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