Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Situation of NYC Movers

The BFF and I found an apartment!!!! It was much less painful than I worried about, and we've already signed the lease and started moving a few things! Since we still have the lease on our old place till the first, we technically have two homes. Like fancy, rich people. So, that's cool.

Moving in the city sans car is, as you can imagine, incredibly difficult. Clearly I will need some professional help (to think of it, I could probably use a lot of professional help...). Anyway, The BFF sent me a Craigslist post for movers, which included a link to a Time Out New York recommendation for the company. Since I do work in PR, I always appreciate the "third party credibility" it adds...

Click here to read for yourself why I hired Rob The Mover.

Or you can just look below:

Bwahahaha. Next reality show hit? Rob The Shirtless Mover. Danger. Sweat. Tears. Groupie skanks. Someone might get punched, who knows.

In my email confirmation, I tried to verify that someone would be shirtless during the actual move. While they did not recognize that serious inquiry with a response, fingers' crossed.

And, of course, I will keep you updated on The Moving Situation.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I used them!! So funny! and I promise they do NOT look like that...haha
