Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bock Bock Bock

You might remember a few months ago (oh how the time flies!) that a close friend of mine experienced a little Turkey Drop episode. Except, since the guy was a giant girl about it, it was more like a Chicken Drop. Anyway since then, he has apparently been seeing the (not so cute, according to photographic Facebook evidence) girl he was spotted with on the street, so he is completely off the radar. Except, of course, during those uber awkward spottings ON THE STREET WHERE THEY BOTH LIVE. Dude, geographic proximity dictates you should have handled it better!

Anyway, the chicken saga continues. My friend LD sent me this today:

I wrote him a text yesterday asking for him to drop off the coffee grinder that he borrowed forever ago…it wasn’t mean, and I figured I have nothing to lose but the coffee grinder..haha…he texted back that either he or or his roommate would drop it off. I have a feeling that his roommate is going to be the one to do it…insert chicken sounds here: bock bock bock. That’s all!

Well at least she can have a little blog vindication (in addition to *hopefully* getting her coffee grinder back)! And plus, with a great new wingman, she's been building herself quite the dating roster. In my most awkward-mom-trying-to-be-cool-and-hip-dialect-that-makes-you-slightly-cringe, "You go girl!"

Update: Also, ironically, pre-Drop the Chicken Dropper had someone take his picture holding a sign for LD next to a guy dressed as a chicken . How prophetic.

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