Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stop Ruining My Commute, Terrorists

Every morning I emerge from the subway and find myself in one of my favorite historical spots in the city: Grand Central Station. The cream marble, the big brass clocks, the giant chandeliers, and - my absolute favorite - the Tiffany-colored teal ceiling painted with astrological signs and star maps.

Stunning doesn't do it justice.

When I walk through there, moving in step with the current of commuters and avoiding the stop-and-go traffic of the tourists, I can't help but soak up the history and beauty that surrounds me. As I skip up the steps to exit the cavernous den, I pause for a second and pretend to be Serena in the opening credits of Gossip Girl. Spotted: Rachel on her way to work.

I love starting my day there.

You know what I don't love, though? That it was included as one of the foiled terrorist attack points from a few months ago. Now the effervescent beauty is speckled with cops toting machine guns and bomb-sniffing dogs. Not the kind of dogs I like.

Obviously any act of terrorism in any part of the city is unthinkable, but please leave my beloved Grand Central alone. And not just 'cause I work right by it. [Note: This is where I try not to say tacky things about Times Square, the recent incidents there and how they wouldn't affect me cause I avoid that area like a hazmat zone. It has its value too (in the form of large glowing lobster hanging outside RL).]

It can be a little overwhelming to let the potential extreme situations that could unfold sink into my bubble-gum filled reality. Oh shit a massive terrorist attack would really suck. For those of us who didn't live in New York during 9/11, I really have no clue.

But I refuse to live in fear. First, it seems like a lot of effort. And, second, I'm already pretty busy losing sleep over my mountain of first-world problems like how to lose 5 lbs by Memorial Day. So can we all just agree to calm the F down about terrorism? At least in my zip code? Thanks.

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