Friday, May 7, 2010

Great Grandma Goes to Prom, Will Most Likely Be Let Down By Lack of Awesomeness

First of all, setting my prom cynicism aside, this story is adorable.

Ninety year old Haselteen Rumbo has been waiting for the chance to attend her very first prom because "back 60 years ago, you couldn't go because of the dancing." Funny to think that jitterbugging was sinful back then. Oh how our moral standards have fallen.

Haselteen's date to the Fort Osage Highs School prom will be her great grandson, who apparently doesn't mind because girls at his school "think it's cute." He's enjoying the attention because "a lot of girls who have never talked to me, now talk to me."

Note to guys everywhere: In addition to puppies and babies, adorable old grandmas are babe-magnets too.

The reason Haselteen is going to the prom is to check another item off her bucket list . "I got a lot to do," she said. A few weeks ago, she went to her first concert and met Reba McEntire after sitting in the sixth row.

The nursing home Haselteen lives in started granting wishes about a year ago and so far it has granted 30 wishes. "We believe you are never too old to try something new," said Independence Mayor Tracy Bunch. "Everything from going to watch The Price Is Right to learning to play the drums."

So sweet!

Hope Haselteen has a fun time and her date doesn't ditch her to go hottubing with his stupid gf!

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