Some people might call me stubborn. Those would be people who know me.
I'm fairly self-sufficient and capable (when I want to be), and so when faced with situations that a normal person would balk at, I'm usually game to get the job done. I've carried a full-size mattress, boxspring and frame three blocks. I helped the movers I hired take up my own possessions (followed by getting invited to their R&B concerts...). So when The BFF and I needed an AC, I figured it would be no big deal.
Did I mention we live on the top floor? Obv. penthouse style, if you want to live in an Internet Fantasy World as your read this. If you've been to my apartment, please don't leave a conflicting opinion in the comment section.
Anyway, on our way up our four flights of stairs in our elevatorless apartment, we got barricaded by a downstair's neighbor's attempt to transition her piano to the neighbor across the hall. Perfect timing. Since we couldn't get by, we had to awkwardly stand in her apartment for a good five minutes. In any instance, this would have been an inconvenience, but this specific apartment created an inopportune nightmare.
Every time we had passed this woman's door, The BFF and I have noticed a weird chirping noise. At first we thought it was perhaps a security alarm or something. No. Turns out she has actual birds in there. Like a flock of them. Seven to be exact. She also had a rabbit and at least four cats.
If you have the same 13-year-old boy movie taste as I do and are picturing the scene in Ace Ventura when all his animals come out from their apartment hiding places, that's exactly how it felt. [Keep in mind the landlord told us no animals when we moved in. Yes, Satan? Oh, I'm sorry, sir. You sounded like someone else. Okay, I will stop quoting the movie and watch (the copy I own) later.]
Apparently after fourteen years in that studio apartment the lady was moving out. The BFF and I made a pact to not allow ourselves to become Crazy Cat Ladies sharing an apartment for the next decade plus. Please God no.
After managing to install the unit in the window without it falling five flights down and killing someone (hopefully it does not do that ever..), we headed uptown to help our friend Ashley move some of her stuff (because she was a saint who helped us move).
While in the Upper East Side, we noticed that everyone had at least 1 dog and 1 baby. The entire neighborhood was way too full of love and happiness for our newly single selves. What do we have? NOTHING. Good ol' East Village is full of loveless weirdos. It's where we belong.
Post visit to the best puppy store ever on our way home (we love to torture ourselves!), The BFF and I stopped at a fro you shop where I was lamenting to her about how we have nothing to live for. [Drama queen much? This was the day as Ice Coffee Rant Inspiration so yeah.]
The guy behind the counter interrupted me to ask "Nothing?" in reference to the yogurt.
"No, nothing" I said staring back at him, meaning in life.
But I'm still pretty sure nothing is better than living in a petting zoo so at least there's that.
Side note: Yesterday The BFF sent me this picture that was on her Facebook newsfeed.
Yes, that is a dog, cat and rat. WTF?! Best thing I've seen all week. "Best thing I've seen all year," said The BFF. It clearly doesn't take much to entertain us...
Happy Memorial Day everyone!
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