Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Although I might occassionally give my mom a hard time on the blog (and in real life), she's the best. (Maybe just not the best wingman.) 

As a prominent member of the Rachel Fan Club (total membership: 3 people), she's so supportive of me and I'm eternally grateful. While it's hard living so far away from each other, I always appreciate her "I loved your blog post today" emails and gchat check-ins.

Over the years, my mom has taught me so many great life lessons, including the gem: "tan" fat looks skinnier than white fat so go get some fake tanner on those legs to make yourself feel better post winter. It is true!

Hopefully some day I can be as great and insightful of a mom as she is - to a dog baby and/or a human baby.

Love you mommy! I'll see you this week. And happy mother's day to Dolo, the world's best grandma, and all the other mom's out there too. Y'all are amazing. I can barely take care of The BFF, I don't know how you do it.

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