Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maybe I Can Get a Job as a Psychic?

So awhile ago when The BFF re-joined the land of dating, I joked about how the two of us had never been single at the same time, and how it was probably for the best, otherwise the world might implode with our awesomeness.

Wellllllllllll. What do you know, the day after J and I called it quits, Elle sends me a link that a three alarm fire is blazing on 14th street.

Errr, what? At that point it wasn’t certain how far the fire had spread and if our apartment (and beloved Dollar Stores!) were in harm’s way. Luckily everything was contained before our end of the block was in any real danger.

Anyway, during my email communication relay with The BFF sharing the news, she pointed out that the fire might be a direct result of our mutual singleness. "We knew it would affect the world.”

In my best Urkel voice: “Did I do that?”

P dot S: Did anyone see this week's season finale of GG? The part where S and B sit on her bed and realize they're both newly single for the first time ever. Just like us. The part where S and B head to Paris for the summer dressed like Barbies. Devastingly not like us.

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