That's my dad's favorite thing to quote in reference to a family-friend's tendency to point out comedic observations of the Seinfeldian persuasian: finding hilarity in the every day life absurdity. Our family has a lot of these moments.
If you know my family, you know we're all, well, a little quirky. That's a nice way of saying crazy, right? My parents are the polar opposites of the same person, if that makes sense. My two (younger) brothers and I all fall somewhere in the spectrum between them.
We're also all very goodlooking. [Note: To be fair, one of my brother's is f*cking gorgeous, not just goodlooking. And brilliant, graduating from UT Engineering this weekend, congrats!!]
And humble, obv!
No, but seriously, my family is great, and this trip home made me miss being back in Austin.
Ol' Match.Mom back in the game. That move was a swing and a miss, though.
He was an usher at one of my college roommate's wedding (where my parents were my dates, wahoo I'm cool!). Per her penchant for matchmaking, I know she was just looking out for her sweet lil' newly single daughter.
Please look elsewhere. Thanks.
At one point a cute boy asked me to dance (Score! Didn't look like a loser in front of the parental unit!), and apparently my dad - thank goodness - spent the entire span of the song explaining to my mother how taking a picture of the two of us would be super embarrassing.
This woman knows no limits when it comes to Cute Boy Documentation.
To give you a taste (definitely not the full list because we don't have time to review years of this practice, people), I have in my collection of Awkward Mom-Forced Photos:
- a picture of Middle School Rachel at the beach surrounded by an entire baseball team of strangers
- a picture of me in California with random hot lifeguards
- a photo-album worth of photos of me and guy friends through the years that she thought were cute and hoped I would date [included in this list, I believe, is a picture of my former coworker Jersey. Awkward.]
Not embarassing at all.
Oh Now that's an episode.
P dot S: For Mother's Day, I found her the perfect gift: "Have I Got a Guy for You," a collection of horror stories about what really happens in Mom match-ups. Bwahahahahha. I already know it will not make the slightest impression on her, but I got a copy for me too thanks to The Strand's cheap book section. Pretty funny stuff.
you laugh now, I may get the LAST LAUGH!!