Friday, July 30, 2010

TGIF & TGYouAren'tThesePeople

The BFF is obsessed with Awkward Family Photos. At night, I can hear her giggling as she scrolls through the website on her iphone before she falls asleep. Then she runs into my room and makes me look at something hilarious. Then I tell her, "No, seriously, I'm going to sleep right now." And then she runs back in and says, "Only one more, I promise."

This one had her in hysterics the other night:

A turtleneck Situation is still a situation (Awkward Family Photos
Oh awkward photos in matching outfits. Not going to lie, my family has a ton of them. Sadly none to share with y'all today, but as a Friday treat, here are some real gems of the awakard engagement/weddings and pet photography variety to make you feel better about your own life of loneliness. Just me?
"An apple a day will keep my new creepy husband away "(20 Most Awkward Wedding/Engagement Photos)
It's going to be super unoriginal when I do this now (20 Most Awkward Wedding/Engagement Photos)
When I'm home visiting, sometimes I play "Baby Jesus" with our dog Jesse where I wrap him up in a blanket. He gives me a similar look. What does that say about me? (Awkward pet photos)
What photographer would ever let these people do this?! And where do I sign up. Joking. (Awkward pet photos.)

This however, I am not joking about. I kind of love it. Is that wrong? Awkward pet photos.
May your weekend be full of love and awkwardness.

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