Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Match Dot Mom Has Met Her Match

Apparently my mom isn't the only one trying to play Yenta these days. Last week, I read about this mom who has set up an online dating site where parents can set up their adult kids. Since I hadn't blogged about it yet, I've had multiple people bring it to my attention. I love that people recognize that this is my life.

Unfortunately my mom has been off the grid for the last week and a half. She and my dad are in Alaska working on the Sarah 2012 campaign. HAHA. Joking. They're on a cruise.

Maybe when she gets back she'll be too distracted by having to review 2 weeks worth of Facebook postings (those pictures/comments/updates aren't going to Like themselves), so she won't hear about this. Otherwise yours truly could be its newest member.


  1. Wow. My parents recently asked me if they "hovered" when we were younger. I informed them they still do...

  2. ha ha i love this! parents are the same around the world :)
