Monday, July 12, 2010

Anti-Gravity Yoga: I Can't Believe I've Never Blogged About This!

As part of my (failed) attempt to make 2009 The Year of Doing New Things, I started taking this crazy gym class with my (former) work slash workout BFF Ashley. At one point we both got so into it that I'm shocked we didn't quit our day jobs. Perhaps a second calling?

The class - "Wings: Anti-Gravity Yoga" - is part yoga, part pilates, and part recess. Basically it involves using a silk sheet suspended from the ceiling to stretch, strengthen, and practice your sweet Cirque de Soleil moves. It's not easy by any means, but if someone as uncoordinated and spatially challenged as me can successfully do it then anyone can. Even Sherri Shepherd.

Anyway, due to my new schedule, I haven't gone in months. But thanks to my low key weekend in the city, I woke up Sunday morning energized and willing to trek uptown.

Oh how I'd missed it.

When my parents came to visit last summer, I even made them try it out. Luckily I come from a family full of bad asses, and they were to hang (get it!) with the crowd of regulars.

Check out my sweet skillz:

If anyone is coming to NYC (or lives here) and wants to try it out, I have some Crunch guest passes you can use. Email me:

[Note: Neither Crunch nor Anti-Gravity have compensated me for this post. Unfortunately.]

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