Friday, July 23, 2010

Duh Movies Ruin Relationship Expectations

This article in the NY Daily News reports on a study from Down Under.

"It seems our love of rom-coms is turning us into a nation of "happy-ever-after addicts." Yet the warm and fuzzy feeling they provide can adversely influence our view of real relationships," said Australian relationship counselor, Gabrielle Morrissey. 

A poll of 1,000 Australians found one in four were now expected to know what their partner was thinking while one in five respondents said it made their partners expect gifts and flowers 'just because'.

This is not exclusive to Australia. I've totes been brainwashed into thinking sweet romantic gestures should be a part of everyday life.

I mean, hello, there are (cheap) fresh-cut flowers on every block [see picture in new masthead.] Why have I never been the recipient of any?

Hint hint cough cough.

However, I have a feeling Americans - specifically New Yorkers - are more jaded than the Aussies. We realize the key to successful relationships is the continual lowering of expectations.

Joking. Sort of.

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