Saturday, July 3, 2010

What You Do On the Fourth of July When You're Approaching 80

The BFF, three other Texas girls and I head to Atlantic City early tomorrow so I stayed in tonight in preparation. Also because every time I leave my apartment I spend an inordinate amount of money. Last night I spent $18 on a vodka soda. Add that to the list. It was a "I am at this super exclusive club waiting for some random guy to invite me to drink for free" starter drink. I hate those.

Anyway, tonight I decided to take the opportunity to catch up with my grandma Dolo. If you don't know, Dolo is short for Dolores (her vanity plates say Dolo). She is awesome. She is a cinematic snob.

After I told her about my trip to AC, she shared her plans for the Fourth:

"I'm going to church with my friend. Then we're staying after for a Sunday School party where they're making hot dogs and what not, you know, to be festive. From there we're going to see a movie."

Me: "What movie?"

"Get Him to the Greek."

Me: "Um?"

"Yeah, my friend is always such a prude about movies but she was the one who suggested we see it. It's rated R for language, drugs and sex. I told her she wasn't allowed to say anything bad after."

What other grandmas go from waspy church parties to Russell Brand?

I come from a people of diverse interests.

(I'm sad she doesn't live here since I don't really have a standard movie-going friend. Any takers? If Dolo reports back good things, I want to see Greek. I loved Aldous Snow.)

P dot S: Other hilariously non-grandma movies I've seen with Dolo (or she owns): Bad Santa, The Ugly Truth, Wedding Crashers, Taladega Nights, Zoolander, Any Given Sunday

She rules.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel-

    Katelyn, Amy and I LOVE reading your BLOG. And since I think your Dolo is one of the most wonderful women ever, I had to comment. You do indeed have a stellar grandmother......

    Keep up your wonderful entertaining writing>


