Living in New York provides no "normal" concept of age. I realized this during the weekend when I made a stop by Foreves 21. Yes, I still shop there. Judge if you must. Then stop reading because we might not have anything in common. Unless you like puppies, in which case, we do. Okay, either way, keep reading. Wow, needy much?
So of course the one thing I wanted - a dress I stupidly didn't buy when I was in there a few weeks ago - was gone. As I aimlessly wandered through the (shockingly) empty store, a vivid flashback smacked me in my memory. Twenty-two, senior year of college. I had wondered then if it meant an end to my Forever days since I'd surpassed the number in the name.
Clearly I managed to get past that.
Sifting through the racks trying to determine what I Could Pull Off vs. Oh, Gurl, Puhlease Don't Even Think About It, I tried to calibrate my feelings about the fact I still shopped at a place where I'm clearly no longer the target demographic.
What if - gasp - I've outgrown my favorite source for cheap-ish outfits? (Although of course everything I'm drawn to is the most expensive thing in the store! I am morally against spending $40 on a dress there, btw.)
What if I look ridiculous in that short skirt?
What if people think I am old?
And then you know what happened? The guy checking me out - at the register not with his eyes - called me "Ma'am" approximately 100 times in the course of five minutes.
Also, FYI, if you happen to visit the website, you'll notice they have some great back to school items. Gahhhhhh.
P dot S: Happy Birthday, Elle!! Your positive attitude about 26 is obv inspiration for me to stop my whining. Maybe.
LOVE Forever 21 (except for working for them, they are asses), and probably always will. Especially the 12x12 section, except like you, I can't spend a lot there or I feel it defeats the purpose.