Monday, July 26, 2010

For Some Reason I Love This (Prob Cause I Was Always On Team Pacey)

To be honest, I don't really understand Comic Con, but apparently everyone I follow on Twitter was there this weekend. Anyway, Gawker had this on its site today:

Actor Joshua Jackson (Pacey in Dawson's Creek) hosted his own convention outside Comic Con in San Diego yesterday. Pacey Con 2010 included Jackson reading Dawson's Creek fan fiction, autograph signing and, presumably, making out.

Middle School Rachel is sad she missed out. Also, once I saw Josh Jackson and Diane Kruger walking around in Tribeca and totally awkwardly stalked them for a block. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha that is hilarious! you'll have to make plans to catch pacey-con 2011 :)
