Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Pls Let Me Live The Dream"

That's the text I woke up to on my birthday from one of my best friend's from college who was visiting. I also woke up to a table full of leftover Kennedy's shame (no it's not the first time we've broken the contract. Yes, I am a blog hypocrite. I am not proud.). And the Wedding Crashers' quote, "Death you are my bitch lover" running through my head on repeat. For some reason that's always what I have going through my mind when I'm hungover.

Needless to say it had been a great night.

The BFF and me. She kind of looks like satan, but in a hot way.
Like you already know, I love my birthday. As a self-admitted narcissist, I relish in the attention. Birthdays are a great reminder that you're awesome. Between the FB wall posting/ego boosting and having people come out to celebrate your existence, you just feel so special.

But more importantly, I love bringing together all the people who are important to me (and are in town). I've always been the type to be friends with a lot of different groups. What can I say, I'm very diverse. (That's not actually that true.) But I do like to think of myself as a person who connects people that otherwise wouldn't be friends. Oh wow I have totally just turned into my mother, The Queen of Networking.

Side note: For this reason, I cannot wait to get married. I have so many friends who haven't yet met, and I'm dying to all get them together. Oh, and to have a party to celebrate me. And, you know, whatever guy I bring as my date. I mean choose to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe this is a sign I'm not quite ready to settle down? There is no "I" in wedding. But there is an "I" in "Insanely awesome wedding." Also I made a promise to myself I wouldn't even think about marriage until I knew for sure I wouldn't get blackout drunk and try to make out with a groomsmen. I don't think I'm quite there yet.

And, you know, that whole I have no one in my life issue.

Okay I'll sidebar the wedding talk. It's making everyone uncomfortable.

Some, not all, of my fellow Longhorns who celebrated.
Football season countdown: 1 month!!
Overall, the bday weekend was perfect. The weather, the company, the late night eating. I wore this red dress - a decision crowd-sourced on Twitter thanks to The BFF (technology is so helpful!). It was the perfect "Hey Look at Me, It's My Birthday" ensemb.

We went to dinner at Cafetasia. I will be honest, I'm a notorious group-dinner basher. Having been forced to pony up ridiculous amounts more than I owe on many occasions, I usually have a bad attitude. You know, except when it's my bday.

Candid from dinner. Please note two BFFs (Ash & Mere)
 who had never met bonding!
The restaurant was perfect. Ave A in between 5th & 6th if you live in the city. Great food, big tables, giant picture of an elephant on the wall. Awesome. And I definitely won an award for "Most Economical Bday Group Dinner of All Time." $25 per person including alcohol. I can't even walk into Duane Reade and spend that little.

From there we headed to a lounge where I'd gotten a hook-up for a free bottle from a random FB friend who turned out to be a club promoter. Granted it only lasted 1 drink per person, but still, baller.

The place was great because it was plenty of space for me to showcase my dance skillz. I'm also pretty sure they played two Ace of Base songs. Not to be redundant, but baller.

Blarney Cove groupies.
Per my mother's advice, I've continued to stretch it out. Elle & Nicki, who both missed Saturday night, each treated me to dinner to celebrate (and catch up since they both are incredibly popular and have been gone 99% of the summer.) Too generous!

Thanks to everyone for all your kindness, toleration of my Birthday Monsterness, and all around friendship awesomeness. You are zeee best. Get ready for my wedding in 2099.

And my bday wish? To quote Mere: "Pls let me live the dream."

Love y'all,

The oldest person in the world who is not dead.

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