Thursday, April 1, 2010

Very Exciting News

In third grade all I wanted in life was to get a dog and to get my ears pierced. Right around Christmas, my parents gave in to our desperate pleas and the family got the most adorable golden retriever puppy Amber. (Amber got knocked up when she was 7 months old by my cute neighbor's dog  - thankfully another Golden - which led to super awkward teenage pregnancy lectures, but more importantly the most awesome time in my life. No seriously, there is nothing better when you're in elementary school than coming home every day to puppies!) Soon after we got Amber, my parents went on a ski trip, and to bribe me into behaving for my grandparents, I was allowed to get my ears pierced. Suckas.

Anyway, here I am - mid twenties with zero desire to get anything else pierced - but man oh man do I want a puppy. I mean, I only talk about it every consecutive day and blog about it every other day. My friend Jersey likes to make fun of girls similar to me for getting dogs because they're only doing it to "smother something with their love."

That is a totally valid reason!

Well, my parents are on another ski trip as we speak (I know, it's spring, right?) Dun dun dun. So they're not hear to interject. And I already have a carpet that sheds (seriously, thanks West Elm), so that won't be too big of an adjustment in that department. And really, what better things do I have to do than go on walks?

Inspired by my friend Lauren's recent purchase of a puppy online, I just bit the bullet. Thanks, Ivan for your help!!!

Say hello to my new pride and joy!!! Eloise, I cannot wait to come pick you up!!

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