Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Two Years Down, A Lifetime to Go

Minus the whole We're Moving to New York Dream (mission accomplished), The BFF and I have sort of failed when it comes to fulfilling all of our other hopes and dreams. So two years ago, The BFF and I decided we should put them down on paper to add some accountability.

Here's the list we made, which is now displayed in our bathroom for all guests to see (and daily reminders that we should do some stuff on it):

The first thing you're probably saying to yourself is, "Wow these girls have diverse interests and seem super cool!" I mean, that's what I would say. The next thing is, "I wonder how many they've actually accomplished."

Well, after two years, we've crossed off two items*.

We've walked across the Brooklyn Bridge - twice - I know, over-achievers.

Here's us during the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Fun fact: walking 40 miles in two days is way harder than you'd think! And yes, we are wearing fanny packs.
And the other thing we've crossed off the list? I bought a plant (that I haven't killed yet, knock on wood).

Go us.

*Someday we might count cheater things (e.g. the African tram ride at the Bronx Zoo and the dinosaur skeleton & giant squid replica at the Museum of Natural History) to make us feel better about ourselves.

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