Here's the list we made, which is now displayed in our bathroom for all guests to see (and daily reminders that we should do some stuff on it):
The first thing you're probably saying to yourself is, "Wow these girls have diverse interests and seem super cool!" I mean, that's what I would say. The next thing is, "I wonder how many they've actually accomplished."
Well, after two years, we've crossed off two items*.
We've walked across the Brooklyn Bridge - twice - I know, over-achievers.
Here's us during the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Fun fact: walking 40 miles in two days is way harder than you'd think! And yes, we are wearing fanny packs.
And the other thing we've crossed off the list? I bought a plant (that I haven't killed yet, knock on wood).
Go us.
*Someday we might count cheater things (e.g. the African tram ride at the Bronx Zoo and the dinosaur skeleton & giant squid replica at the Museum of Natural History) to make us feel better about ourselves.
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