Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Too Soon for the Truth

Why yes I am a small child who knows
she's doing something bad.
TK, the only guy I've actually gone on dates with in calendar year 2011, stopped by my apartment before brunch last weekend.

Of course I had to go let him in because our buzzer will broken until the end of time, which is obviously one of my favorite things about our fifth-floor walk-up apartment, even more so than the non-stop frat parties thrown directly below us. Or that damn bicycle that blocks our hallway. Thanks, Josh and Raquel. (Side note: This morning I heard noise of someone out there messing with it, and being the creep that I am, I opened the peephole to watch. Today's finally the day they actually freaking use it, I thought! False alarm.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh right, when I opened the door downstairs, TK was looking at Kennedy's.

TK: Have you ever been to the fried chicken place?

Me: I don't think we've known each other long enough to talk about that yet...

Diversity is key.
Oh sweet innocence. How little does he know about me. To say that Kennedy's Fried Chicken will be a part of our New York legacy would be an understatement. (Speaking of, we're about to come to our one year anniversary of the contract against going there. Followed soon after by our one year anniversary of breaking the contract. And then again by this and this. In addition to some other times I didn't blog about because, enough, you get it, I have issues.)

I mean, judge all you want, but secretly you know - somewhere deep down - you're jealous you don't have all-night access to a place that not only serves delish chicken tenders (or wings or legs or, whatever, maybe you're into breasts!?), but also:
Sea food, ice cream, hamburgers AND middle-Eastern halal food. One-stop shop my friends, one stop shop. Who doesn't love convenience?

P dot S: Random idea for the day: Wouldn't a great name for a Halal place be "Halal at yo girl?" Get it? bwahaha. Okay, that's all I got.

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