Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Making the Most of April Showers

Brunch at the Continental Club. The hostess asked if we
wanted to sit in the swing chairs. My response was identical
to that of a small child: YES YES YES!!!
Even though the weather has started to warm up to naked-leg-acceptable temperatures, I'm still not satisfied. For that to happen, we need sunshine and blue skies. But no, instead, we've traded in snow for rain. Five-day forecast endless rain. Luckily we've been able to sneak in a few dry days every here and there, but the days that really matter - those brief precious weekends - have been stolen from us.

Normally I'm devastated when that's the case, but last weekend when I went to Philly to visit Ashley I didn't mind. Although the non-stop downpours drowned any hope of us making it across town for famous cheese steaks, I have to admit it was kind of a nice excuse to be utterly lazy and catch up.

Considering that whenever Ashley visits New York I have to share her with her boyfriend and other friends (I know, how dare she, right?), it was fun having the pinnacle of a girls' weekend.

I won't go to the trouble of calculating how many episodes of Say Yes to the Dress we watched or how many bottles of wine we drank, but by the time I left on Sunday, I felt relaxed. If I can't get a weekend tan in the sunshine, then I'll take it.
(And icing on the cake, we didn't sleep on the streets this time! Woo.)

P dot S: On Saturday afternoon we saw Arthur at the most adorable (tiny) old movie theater where tickets were $6! Yes, I've seen TVs larger than the screen, but it was still fun. And I really liked the movie. After I told cinematic snob Dolo this, her response: "Yes, well, we like Russel Brand." Because what 80 year old doesn't go see Get Him to the Greek?
My main issue with the movie, though, was how unattractive they made Helen Mirren look. Totally unrealistic, everyone knows that woman is hot.

Also, last bit of randomness, did you know that determining 'love child' combinations of people is one of my best talents? E.g., Greta Gerwig, Russell's love interest in the movie, is totally the love child of the first Becky from Rosanne and Chloe Sevigny. Am I right?

And, more importantly, do you think that is a marketable skill?

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