Sunday, April 10, 2011

No, Just No

I woke up this morning with an email from Facebook bringing to my attention that someone named Mike Goodman had sent me a message. Hmm, I do not know a Mike Goodman, do I? No.

Upon further research, I found out my buddy Mike is married with three kids. There is a post on his wall of his wife - rockin' a femullet - on a motorcycle holding a Budweiser, I'm not making this up. Anyway, shiz like this makes me want to vom. And not just his totally unnecessary use of my least fav phrase 'lol'.

(I have since blocked him, obv.)

The lesson of course is don't be creepy on Facebook. Is MySpace still around? Go there. And maybe if you're interested in cute young girls you shouldn't marry someone who looks like a lesbian. Just saying.

This also answers my internal debate about sending a message to a cute guy who keeps popping up on my "People you might know" list. We have something like fifty mutual friends, he's got that perf preppy southern boy look, and he lives in New York.

But hell to the no am I going to be the Mike Goodman in this situation. 

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