Friday, February 5, 2010

Wait, It's Not Spring Yet?

I have reached that point in winter where I'm getting really antsy. Like, oh okay I've been a good* sport for the past few months, where is my reward of an 80 degree day? Austin, you ruined me.

But there's no reprieve in sight. And after complaining about that dumb groundhog's prediction earlier this week, I was reminded that, duh, it's only the beginning of February - obviously we would have six more weeks of winter. Or, if we're cursed with anything like last year, six more months of cold weather, a fate which I refuse to accept.

Credit: REUTERS/Jason Cohn

And retailers aren't making it any easier on me. Everywhere I look beautiful spring window displays taunt me with their floral whimsy. There is no reason I need to be tempted with flirty, romantic sleeveless dresses and sandals I can't wear for months. For heaven's sake, there is a snowpocalypse headed to the North East tonight!

With predictions of more than few inches of snow (much worse in D.C., sorry friends!), hibernation feels like the only acceptable solution for this weekend. And I'm not the only one to think so.

*IMO. I could be much worse. I think bribing myself with the new coat def. helped. Although I lost one of my red gloves approximately 1 day later. And have lost 3 other gloves since then. Cold hands it is.

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