Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Know if He's Taken: Bag Edition

Today, as I waited for the L train on my way to work, I saw a cute guy. He was carrying a small lululemon tote bag.

If you see something similar, I suggest you do not waste your time - he is in a relationship.

Not that I'm judging a guy for being Earth-friendly and carrying a reusable bag - rock on, random guy - but lululemon doesn't exactly scream straight and single. I mean, the phrase "Friends are more important than money" doesn't quite seem like the mantra a FJO might recite voluntarily. And although the label does offer a guys line, lulu isn't an establishment I've ever known a guy to buy merchandise from on his own. It's a place your gf recommends. For example, J's roommate Frank has quite a nice looking lulu sweatshirt (you would never guess it's from there unless your eyes are trained to zero in on that omega logo). His gf picked it out. His ex-gf picked it out. [Ed. note: I'm sorry for the confusion, ladies, Frank is indeed single and ready to mingle. Please contact me if you're interested. A potential date could include hanging out on his and J's couch watching the soon-to-be-returning-Greatest-Show-of-Our-Times Gossip Girl and eating delicious food cooked by his grandma. Clearly it's an opportunity you can't pass up.]

Also, if a guy is carrying a Jack Spade messenger bag, does that make him gay? Or am I just stereotyping nice taste?

Please let me know, because I could be writing off an entire accessory subsection without warrant.


  1. This 'Frank' must really be awesome! I hope he looks like Frank Lapidas from Lost!

  2. I can't figure out if you're making fun of Frank or serious about hooking him up with your lady readers. Maybe both?

  3. A little of column A, a little of column B. Just kidding, I'm all about the matchmaking, and Frank is a waaaaay better catch than some of the guys I've set my friends up with in the past!
