Exactly one year ago I met a guy while visiting a friend out of town. We became Facebook friends. The other day - totally out of the blue - he wrote on my wall to "catch up." You know, for no real reason.
At first I was a little weirded out. And then I realized, it was as if someone had suggested he reconnect with me.
No, just no. This long-lost friendship rekindler is possibly my least favorite FB application. Like maybe even worse than those weird games people try and make you sign up for.
Have you ever reconnected with someone because it was on your homepage? Like, someone you don't even actually know?
I hope not.
And, while I'm on the subject, how about it if FB stops suggesting I reconnect with The College BF. Because, yeah, that would be pretty awkward considering we haven't communicated in the better part of two years.
Just wanted to say, "Hi."
Because Facebook suggested it.
Hahaha I know who this is about! (not the college bf portion duh)