Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Docking Station

I flew from New York to Austin to drop off the rest of my stuff, get organized, and recharge my batteries a bit before my next adventure. 

Although my normally very supportive mother laughed in my face when I insisted I was actually going to unpack everything in an orderly manner, I did it. Victory. 

But after the endorphins of proving her wrong wore off I realized I didn't actually feel very good. And I still don't. (This could also be directly linked to the fact I accidentally took a headache medicine with caffeine in it at 11pm last night making it impossible to fall asleep. Genius!) 

So productivity can suck it. I'm going to lay in bed and read the rest of the Hunger Games trilogy, which for a girl who has never been into wizards or vampires I am obsessed with it. It's a perfect read for traveling and/or laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself since you have a sore throat and also your last blog post about NYC somehow got deleted and is now gone forever. 

And this now concludes The Worst Post Ever. Happy Thursday.

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