Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Making Me Feel Worse About My Lack of Productivity

Make no mistake, my grandma Dolo is an incredible woman. I'm always bragging about her and her work ethic (and only partially because I think it makes me sound cool by association). 

But what can I say, I'm proud of her. I mean, how many other octogenarians worry about getting fired when they book a trip to visit their granddaughter in Europe? And then display crazy high levels of sight seeing endurance, enough that all of my friends commented on her perseverance to make the most of her day. I explained that's how she always is. 

Anyway, I figured Dolo was in a class of her own until I saw this precious woman who was ringing me up at Target the other day.

Sorry, Dolo, "Miss Dee" might have you beat.

In other news, my unemployment, perma-vacation guilt has been rearing its ugly head (until I want to take a nap and then realize I should stop wallowing and enjoy it).

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