Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Conversations With My Grandma: Office Edition

I really hope this was consensual.
Although half the time I call she conveniently doesn't pick up, I love talking to my grandma Dolo because she always makes me laugh. (Plus, bonus, she laughs at my jokes too.) Anyway, the other day I was able to get a hold of her as she was headed out the door.

Dolo: "I have to leave for work soon. Today we have a safety training."

Me: "That sounds very Michael Scott-esque."

Dolo: "You have no idea. That is exactly how this place is! Last week we had to have a sexual harassment training!

Me: "No you did not!?"

Dolo: "Yes! And we had to take a test on the Internet afterward. It was really tricky! I missed three!! Do you have any idea how bad that makes me feel?"

You should know that my 81 year old grandmother is far more concerned with not living up to her over-achiever perfectionist persona than being perceived as a sexual harassment threat in the workforce.

I mean, that is just something to be proud of at her age.

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