Friday, February 3, 2012

Childhood Chic

I have quite a few souvenirs from my European travels that I love, but among my top favorites are my blue elephant lamp from LillyBerlin and my original Babar print from a Parisian flea market.

This new collection has been coupled with my crustacean paraphernalia...

 Leaving me with what I will now be referring my decorative taste to as "childhood chic".

(And The BFF lets out a sigh of relief she no longer has to share a living space with me and "style.")

1 comment:

  1. This is so weird! I just bought two vintage Barbar prints off EBay. They're these prints - one has a T and one has a L - and they're little scenes with Babar where everything in the picture starts with the letter (in french, of course). I plan on putting them in our master bedroom. Normal, right?
