Sunday, November 28, 2010

Message In A Bloggle

A few weeks ago I had the most vivid dream I've had in years. Like Inception-style, other-people-in-this-dream-must-be-dreaming-this-too kind of experience.

It was me, The College BF, and his parents. Even though it was just in my mind, it was good to see these people who at one point were such a large part of my life. It ended with me hugging him and telling him that I was happy for his engagement.

The dream was simple. It was pleasant. And it provided some closure.

But since then, I've also vetted with my core group of advisors the benefits of reaching out to him to share this message, you know, to get actual closure. However, the idea has been almost unanimously vetoed. "What would be the point?" I can see how, after not having communicated for over a year and a half, it would almost seem selfish to interrupt his life.

So I've decided that blogging about it is clearly the best solution! That never ends badly!

According to Facebook, he and I still share 222 mutual friends. Some who probably read this. So if my congratulations somehow get back to him then that's great.

Instead of throwing a message in a bottle into the ocean, I'm sending out a message via the communication waves.

Okay, on second thought, this was way more awkward than just reaching out to him via email.

Story of my life.

P dot S: I'd also like to thank him for putting every single Zeppelin album on my iPod in college. Greatest Band Ever.

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