Not to say I didn't get a good public school education or anything, but I have very distinct memories of watching a lot of Bill Nye in class. You know, The Science Guy.
I mean, in seventh grade it made sense because our teacher had a self-professed crush slash obsession slash her mouse pad was a picture of him, not even joking, but the rest of the time I guess teachers just figured they couldn't do any better? And, really, who doesn't have a higher information absorption rate from someone wearing a bow tie and a lab coat vs. someone wearing mom jeans?
I mean, in seventh grade it made sense because our teacher had a self-professed crush slash obsession slash her mouse pad was a picture of him, not even joking, but the rest of the time I guess teachers just figured they couldn't do any better? And, really, who doesn't have a higher information absorption rate from someone wearing a bow tie and a lab coat vs. someone wearing mom jeans?
At one point I decided it would make things way more legit if we had some signs. Thank goodness I happen to own a ton of markers, like way more than the average 25 yr old. |
I mean, obviously. Who doesn't sit around thinking, "Hmm I wish there were a way I could communicate with people who happen to be saved in my cell phone that has unlimited minutes."
The point is that we finally had a fail proof plan! It could totally work! We were going to bust that myth!
Step one: Find some long-ass string. (800 feet of kite string: Thanks, Dana!)
Step three: Out of the kitchen window, toss down one end of the string while holding onto a can.
Step four: Run the string across the fairly busy, two-way street while avoiding getting hit by a car.
Step five: Make friends with people on the street who think you're effing awesome for doing science experiments on a Friday night.
Step eight: Have everything in place only to realize that giant tree in front of the window might be a problem when attempting to make the "telephone line" taut and parallel.
Step nine: Realize the tree is in fact a problem. Contemplate calling the city to cut it down. Repeatedly call the other apartment to see if they "can hear you." Via cell phone, obv.
Step ten: Admit experiment defeat. Congregate back together and make up for the failure with all that booze people kindly brought with them.
Failure never looked so good. |
And what do you have to show for your weekend?
No, I have nothing to show for my week end. Way to combine fun and science. Your teacher would be proud--I am!