Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wining, Dining, and Learning Go Together Nicely (I Mean, If You're an Adult)

Not to say I didn't get a good public school education or anything, but I have very distinct memories of watching a lot of Bill Nye in class. You know, The Science Guy.

I mean, in seventh grade it made sense because our teacher had a self-professed crush slash obsession slash her mouse pad was a picture of him, not even joking, but the rest of the time I guess teachers just figured they couldn't do any better? And, really, who doesn't have a higher information absorption rate from someone wearing a bow tie and a lab coat vs. someone wearing mom jeans?

At one point I decided it would make things way more legit
if we had some signs. Thank goodness I happen to own
a ton of markers, like way more than the average 25 yr old.
So it was with this inspiration that it totally seemed feasible that The BFF, our awesome friends (who I mentioned live directly across the street), and I decided that we should create a tin can-string telephone across 14th street.

I mean, obviously. Who doesn't sit around thinking, "Hmm I wish there were a way I could communicate with people who happen to be saved in my cell phone that has unlimited minutes."

This seed of genius only took eight short months to blossom into a full-blown bloom of possibility. Maybe the logistics would have been easier to figure out had wine not been a part of each conversation, but whatever.

The point is that we finally had a fail proof plan! It could totally work! We were going to bust that myth! 

Step one: Find some long-ass string. (800 feet of kite string: Thanks, Dana!)

Step two: Get some cans. Easy peasy.

Step three: Out of the kitchen window, toss down one end of the string while holding onto a can.

Step four: Run the string across the fairly busy, two-way street while avoiding getting hit by a car.

Step four part a: Run back across the street to where you started because you realize there's a massive knot in the string and you're totally about to get hit by a car.

Step five: Make friends with people on the street who think you're effing awesome for doing science experiments on a Friday night.

Step six: Finally get the string across the street with lots of slack so cars can drive over it. Genius move.

Step seven: Get another string sent down from the other window to hoist up the can/string.

Step eight: Have everything in place only to realize that giant tree in front of the window might be a problem when attempting to make the "telephone line" taut and parallel.

Step nine: Realize the tree is in fact a problem. Contemplate calling the city to cut it down. Repeatedly call the other apartment to see if they "can hear you." Via cell phone, obv.

Step ten:  Admit experiment defeat. Congregate back together and make up for the failure with all that booze people kindly brought with them.

Failure never looked so good.
And what do you have to show for your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. No, I have nothing to show for my week end. Way to combine fun and science. Your teacher would be proud--I am!
