No, just no. |
Although, sidebar, the other day I went to a different location and had a terrible workout. There was zero motivation there AT ALL, if you know what I mean. Plus, there's a Crumbs cupcake store directly underneath it. Now that's just cruel, right? (For the record, I didn't go there, Judgy McJudgersons.)
Anyway, at the good location, I take a lot of classes that are almost exclusively filled by women, but lately there has been a cute guy joining my Wednesday "ultimate conditioning" session. I've spent weeks trying to determine if he's gay (typically the case if he's put himself in that situation). Then it dawned on me: Perhaps he's just a genius straight guy perfectly positioning himself in a class full of attractive females.
Last week I got my answer. Unfortunately his confirmed hetero status came in the form of him wearing hibiscus board shorts. No self-respecting gay would ever be caught dead in those at the gym. Especially in September!
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: Board shorts are not real shorts!
But in his defense, he is still making me try way harder in that class than I normally would. My triceps thank him.
Ha! This is hilarious -- also, omg, I used to go to a gym that was across the street from Tasti D. You can guess what my routine looked like, sadly enough!