Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I'm Looking For Is A Phil Dunphy

Please tell me you watch Modern Family right? It's so funny. I will be honest, I might not always have the best taste in men, clothes, or music, but I do know good TV. 

I love this show so much that I even wrote a "spec script" of an episode, otherwise known as "fan fiction." If you're extremely bored, I posted it here. Don't judge too harshly, this was my first stab at TV writing...

"In your face, girl with a negative tattoo." - My favorite line
from the season premiere.
Anyway, the point of this post! Modern Family's season premiere was last night, finally back after kicking some A at the Emmy's (hooray!). I love pretty much everything about this show, but I've realized I especially love the dad Phil.

He's sweet, romantic, nerdy in a cool way, makes people happy, tells hilarious "dad jokes." Sigh. I think that's what I'm looking for.

I mean, not that person right this instance, but someone who will grow into that person. How can you tell, though, if who you date now will end up being that quality of a husband, father, etc?

Okay this post is getting a little more thoughtful than I wanted. The real point is go catch up on Modern Family if you missed it.


  1. we live across the street, can we start watching this shit together?

  2. phil? i'm terrified of ending up with a phil dunphy (or any of them) but I love the show... he is better than mitchell
