Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Au Revoir, Ashley

My favorite friend that I’ve made in New York has left me. I’m trying not to take it too personally. She’s off to grad school, and while it’s only a few hours away and I know that she’ll frequently visit the city (her boyfriend is still here), it marks the end of an era.

Martha Stewart-inspired Halloween appetizers
and cocktails. Theme party domination.

We become work friends over two years ago. From there, we progressed to work-out friends. And then regular life friends. Whether it be gossiping, using each other for roommate therapy bitch sessions (luckily we’re both past the psycho roommate stage!), lunch time shopping, happy hour boozing, or hanging upside down in Anti-Gravity yoga, we spent a large bulk of our time together.

When I got a new job last spring, I knew that while we were no longer in cubicles mere feet from one another, we would still stay connected. Thank you, gchat.

And that’s how I feel about this transition too. Although she won’t be a subway ride away from brunching and clubbing (even though she had a boyfriend, she made an A + wingman), I know we’ll stay friends.

Big Apple BBQ partner in crime. The guy dancing
in the background was super creepy,
but the Austin music & BBQ were amazing.
Which is a good way  to convince people to visit.

(Is it sort of weird I consider this a “practice run” for bringing home a boyfriend someday? Like, here’s my crazy Texan family…I swear we’re normal.)

But Ashley is the kind of friend you don’t want to lose. She is thoughtful, generous, funny, snarky, and smart. It's hard to meet girl friends of her caliber. She is quality. She is a keeper.

I’m always impressed by her ability to do so many things well. Whether it be baking, excellent handwriting, or her rivaling eating ability, she’s been a great inspiration to me. Which I think is very important in true friendships.

Here are a few of my favorite memories:

Ashley with my family. I'm sorry that directly after this dinner, I forced her to drink cup fulls of vodka and instant coffee in my apartment before going out in MPD.
That did not end well.
I take full responsibility.

Ashley came to support me and The BFF during the
Avon Walk last fall. Look at that quality sign handwriting.
I will be honest, this was the pinnacle of our day.
Walking a marathon is hard. Sleeping in a tent and
doing another 13 miles the next day is miserable harder.

This was the night before Ashley's bday. It was a legendary
time of pure awesomeness, celeb sightings, free food/booze,
and a stolen bottle of syrup. We kept it classy per usual. I think
The BFF even did a legendary rendition of her signature hit
"A Whole New World," in the cab on the way home.
The beer garden in Astoria wouldn't
let her boyfriend bring in the cupcakes,
so he left them at a bodega. Have
you ever sang Happy Birthday in
the middle of a sidewalk in Queens?
I highly recommend it.

For her bday I got her the cookbook "Eat Your Feelings"
because she is my eating soulmate. Once she even
went with me and The BFF to Kennedy's.
She's not that innocent.
 Good luck! Miss you already!


  1. way to borrow my black long dress!!!!!

  2. you're so sweet - love you! can't wait for Austin!!

    oh, and I have documented video proof of Alex's rendition of 'a brave new world' should the internet need to see that.
