Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Every (Texas) Girl Ever Is Ready For Fall

Every girl ever has had an amazing summer: the Summer of S.A.M. (single awesome mayhem) to be exact. Why else do you think it was the record hottest New York has ever seen? Yes, every girl ever is responsible for those insane A.C. bills. Her bad.

But now the weather is cooling off. The days are getting shorter. Every girl ever is sad to say goodbye to the fun, but she's ready for what's just around the corner.

Every girl ever loves this time of year. Even though she no longer has the start of school excitement, every girl ever still embraces the changing season. The spirit of new beginnings. The feeling of endless possibilities.

When she adds up all the factors, every girl ever thinks fall might just be the best season of all. Yep, better than spring flowers, better than summer sundresses, better than Christmas festivities. Well, maybe that last one is a tie. 

So what's the reason that Sept. - Nov. sits at the top?

She can feel it in her fingers, she can feel it in her toes, football season all around us, I'm pretty sure that's how this song goes?

Every girl ever has her game day outfit picked out and her game watching reservations made. As you know, every girl ever is a planner. To make up for the lack of tailgates and stadium visits, every city girl ever has found the best possible alternative: Hill Country BBQ, where fratty Texans congregate.

And, although every girl ever loves the gridiron excitement, even if she wasn't so enthused, I doubt she could pass up the a buffet of boys and beer. Let's be honest, every girl ever is an opportunist.

Fingers crossed every girl ever has a great season. Even if you aren't a Longhorn fan.*

*That's not totally true.

P dot S: No matter what time you're reading this, OU still sucks.

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