Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Has Sprung (Unofficially)

While I was enjoying my last day as a Stay at Home Person, I took a little walk and enjoyed the first Spring weather (that I've been here to soak up). When it was first nice a few weekends ago I was in Austin where the temperature was 80 degrees. Hearing it's 60 when you're in true heat is not that impressive. Then coming back I'm like OMG IT's SIXTY!!! THIS IS AMAAAAZING.

It just shows that perfection is relative to location.

Anyway, here are a few pictures I snapped in my favorite place in the city - Madison Square Park - where I haven't been since we moved. Luckily there was no Psycho Roommate spotting...

I also got a Tart Deco manicure - the new cantaloupe Essie color - and treated myself to a little Passion Fruit Tasty D. Livin' it up, obv.

And then I bought a plant. The BFF and I created a "Friendship Life Goals" list almost 2 years ago, and we've only crossed off one thing so far. And for some reason having a plant was on that list - I guess to prove our non-existant gardening abilities - so I figured it was about time. The guy at Home Depot assured me this was the easiest plant to keep alive, but we shall see...

And while I'm sharing things from my phone, here's a little something I recorded at the airport in Detroit while we were waiting to get our fllights rebooked. Kids on leashes = hilarious. I wish I had someone keeping me in line because I was in the mood to throw a tantrum too.

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