Friday, March 5, 2010

Bon Voyage

As I mentioned yesterday, things have worked out pretty peachy, and it's allowed me to throw together a last minute Rachel World Tour. By world tour, I mean 3 stops in the U.S., but still, I feel like quite a Jet Setter. Slash Bolt Bus setter.

I'd already planned to visit Mere, one of my BFFs/College Roommates/Partners In Crime/Sister's For Life, in D.C. this weekend (along with the dynamic duo from Do You Fancy Us!!!!!!!) After reading my two-page itinerary sent to be my amazing hostess (the greatest gift I could get), it seems The District won't know what hit 'em.

From there I'm flying off to the ATX (Austin, TX for those not in the know) for a few days. I'm prob the only person going to Austin in March not for SXSW, but I get to see my fam, some more BFFs (and one's new bf!) AND JESSE (see photo, he's really enthusiastic about our friendship too), which is better. I promise.

Then I'm headed to Houston to see DOLO, my super awesome grandma, and more of my amazing BFFs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you could not tell from my 1,000,000 exclamation points, I'm gidddddddddy with excitement. High on life, my friends, high on life.

Hopefully I'll be a diligent little blogger while I'm gone, but, let's be honest, we should all have pretty low expectations about that.

Maybe some of you funny people out there should send me something to post. Cough cough, hint hint.


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