But as the years go by, I continue to add “friends” that are actually more of not-even-acquaintances - random people who I met one time. Or, in the case of a lot of guys - who I made out with one time. Now, do we have to stay friends forever?
I’m all about major, thorough decluttering of my life. Probably because my mom always made me go through and get rid of my stuff periodically - the reason I no longer have any of my Barbies.
“Bless it and let it go,” her ‘Fung Shui Lady’ taught her. And, yes, that is someone’s career…
While my mothers mantra of, “If you didn’t wear it last season, get rid of it,” is a little harsh criteria, it is a nice excuse to rid yourself of things you’re ready to part with.
The other day a friend announced she had de-friended her ex on Facebook. After an attempt at being friends - years after the initial break-up - had recently gone awry, she felt comfortable being done with him for good.
It got me thinking. If I do not want or plan to come into contact with someone I’ve dated (hooked up with, made out with, had a crush on, etc.) again, why are we still “friends”?
Before the advent of social networking, relationships could totally disappear off the radar with ease. Now you could theoretically never lose contact with someone. Forever. While great for actual friends, family and acquaintances, if you never want to talk to someone again, bless them and let them go. Or, perhaps more accurately, cuss them and de-friend them.
It’s about karma - you’re clearing out your life to make room for others.
I feel like The Fung Shui Lady might be proud of me? Maybe not…
FB sidebar: The Native New Yorker suggested I become a fan of his mom.
HAHAHA. Seriously.
In his defense, she is an author with a newly released book and he sent it to all his friends, most of whom know her. But still.
The request has been unanswered. I feel awkward rejecting it. What if he and I were to date? What if someday I met his mom and I told her I refused to be her fan? I mean small chance of that happening, but still. Thanks, Facebook, for putting me in this awk situation.
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