Monday, September 7, 2009

500 Days of Wasting Your Time

So after seeing 500 Days of Summer again (fun fam outing with my mom, grandma, bro and his adorable gf), I remembered I never actually published my thoughts from my initial viewing a few weeks ago.

First of all, I loved the movie. Definitely worth seeing, if for no other reason than the fact that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an adorable cupcake, who I’ve had a crush on since his Angels in the Outfield, Third Rock from the Sun, 10 Things I hate About You days.

Also one of the best lines of the movie is about how he won’t know if Summer is hooking up with “Lars from Norway, with the face of Brad Pitt and the abs of Jesus.” Let’s just say that sometimes art imitates life very very accurately – cough cough uncannily accurate in the case of the ForeignJO.

Anyway, there are also some good dating lessons worth taking note of, most importantly about one person thinking that someone is The One yet the other person not returning said feelings.

Unrequited love is a bitch. One of the worst things in the whole world, I’m pretty sure. Falling for someone so hard, being convinced that he is The One only for him to not feel the same way. Suckfest.

If you find yourself in this situation, the smartest thing you can do is to force yourself out of it. You cannot make someone love you back as much as you love them – trust me I’ve tried.

While you can’t instantaneously turn off feelings for someone, you can remove yourself from the situation. Yes you might want to be friends, but don’t go there, at least not right away. It will only make things worse, I promise. It’s like pulling off a Band-Aid, getting a shot, etc. – it sucks, it hurts, you live, you forget the pain, you go on with life.

Instead do your best to move on, surround yourself with things to keep you busy, and try and meet new people (specifically future love interests). Eventually you will realize it wasn’t meant to be, and you will find something better.

Easier said than done, I know, but the more you can remind yourself that it is, in fact, what you need to do, the better. It might be hard, but it beats kicking yourself for wasting months pursuing something you can look back on and realize wasn’t as perfect as the fairy tale in your head.

For a relationship to be the real thing, you both have to have the same level of obsession with one another. If one person is more committed, more interested, more devoted, it’s going to collapse. Like a Ponzi scheme.

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