Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ski Town, USA

Although Spiros and I had a great time in Denver, there was something special about going to Steamboat to ski for a few days.

I know what you're thinking: My life is like a vacation within a vacation. Yes, my reality seems to be warped into some sort of Inception-style layers of complete worthlessness, but whatever, I've stopped feeling guilty about it.

Anyway, we chose Steamboat as our mountain destination since I'd never been there before either. The newness made it feel like a real adventure. The drive up was gorgeous, renting a car was fun, and delicious breakfast sandwiches in a small town gave it the nostalgia of ski trip road trips past.

Steamboat turned out to be the perfect choice. Everything about the trip from the condo we stayed in to the Straight to You valet ski rental (by far the most amazingly efficient thing ever) was great. I know that all mountain towns generally attract friendly people, but I swear Steamboat people are the nicest. 

After cooking at home the other nights, on our last evening we took the advice of a friend and made plans to take the Gondola and then a sleigh ride to dinner at Ragnar's at the top of the mountain. It was hands down one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen at sunset. These pictures don't do it any justice, but whatever, as filler: 

We had a great time skiing. Spiros did an awesome job for having only done it one other time in his life! And apparently I'm a pretty patient teacher!

I'm excited to get a few more days on the mountain with my parents starting this week. Hopefully the snow sticks around till then! 

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