Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dating Rants: A Trend

Awhile back - while The BFF was still blissfully unaware of the horrors of dating - I wrote two fairly similar posts about dating do's and don'ts. Figured might as well get some mileage out of them now while we're waiting for her third installment.
  • Take a Hint: Ignorance is the sincerest form of rejection (minus all those better ways).
  • How to Win with a Good Defense: Sometimes the little engine that could did win. And sometimes he was way out of his league. It's not always about perseverance. Sorry your parents lied to you.
P dot S: The guy who helped inspire both of these posts has gone without contact for a few months. Until last week when he FB chatted me regarding a recent tennis-referencing status update. "I know you have a bf but if you ever want to hit some balls around, let me know."

First, good thing I didn't put anything on FB about breaking up!

Second, ew don't ever say balls to me again. Vomit.

And, for the record, IMO, FB chat is the social media equivalent of breaking into someone's car and popping up out of their backseat while they're driving. Okay maybe that's insanely overreacting, but if you do not email, text, or gchat with a person, then you should not attempt to FB chat with them. (Especially if previous attempts have gone unanswered). Let them stalk in peace.

1 comment:

  1. I hate FB chat. Usually because someone I didn't really like to begin with is always asking about how my life is going. If you didn't care enough when I was in the same town as you, then don't pretend like you do now.
    Damn awkward conversations.
