Monday, June 28, 2010

L Train Love: It's Not Just Me!

New York magazine: According to an impromptu self-survey, Craigslist has declared that the L train is the "Most Romantic Subway Line" because of the amount of "Missed Connections" travelers report on the classified site. Meanwhile, the "least romantic" stop is the Lexington Ave/59th Street stop on the 6.

For the record, the 59th Street stop was where I used to get off for my old job. That finding is totally accurate. Nothing but uglies. Thank goodness I transferred to the Hottie Express, though! Life is really looking up. [Note: Until World Domination declines. I give it another week or so.]


  1. ha ha the hottie express sounds like a lot more fun!

  2. yes the odds are good, but the goods are odd.... brooklyn L train.. not hating, just saying I ride it all of the time and all i see are skinny jeans going towards bK and going towards 8th avenue, just a bunch of assholes who think they own the L
