Sunday, June 13, 2010

Meat and Music, What More Could You Ask For?

Another great weekend, another gluttonfest. But this was legit since it was the Big Apple BBQ Festival aka my favorite event in New York. I love it enough that two months in advance I'm willing to make a $100 investment in my eating future for the VIP Fast Pass. I'm clearly a true Texas girl; I have my priorities.

My eating soulmate Ashley was by my side as I stuffed my face for the third year in a row. True friendship. She too has her priorities (and is coming to Austin for ACL!!).

Sadly Texas' own amazing Saltlick was MIA due to pitmaster injury, but luckily, another favorite bbq - Texas' own (and my mom's cousin's own) Stubbs was in attendance.

Anyway, in true Austin spirit, not only was there barbeque galore, there was Austin-sponsored live music. One of my favorite artists Bob Schneider made an appearance on Saturday, reminding me and teaching everyone who doesn't know already what a bad A$$ place Austin is.

Nice work, ATX. Way to represent.

P dot S: I'm still meat drunk. Good thing it's not swimsuit season or anything.

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